Spoštovani mentorji učencev natečaja »ZAKLAD«, 

najlepše se vam zahvaljujemo za udeležbo na našem mednarodnem natečaju z naslovom “Zaklad«! 

Nagrajenci boste priznanja dobili po e-pošti.

Mentorje lepo prosimo, da pregledate podatke s seznama in nam sporočite morebitne napake pri zapisu.

Vsem sodelujočim se najlepše zahvaljujem za sodelovanje, nagrajencem in njihovim mentorjem iskreno čestitam!



Dear mentors of the participants of the photography contest “Treasure,” we sincerely thank you for participating in our international contest titled “Treasure”!

Winners will receive their certificates via email. We kindly ask the mentors to review the information in the list and inform us of any errors in the records.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all participants for their involvement, and I wholeheartedly congratulate the winners and their mentors!



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